Where It All Started

Adam here, the founder of Happie Help!

I want to start by saying the whole Happie Help team is glad you’re here!

I felt this being the first Happie Help blog, why not explain how this whole thing started right from the horse's mouth.

Actually, I’m more like a magical unicorn…but that’s another story for another day!

Let’s get on with it!

Picture it - I was vacationing on St. John USVI, March 2017 (which if you haven't been you need to go).

Several tropical scenic photos of St. John

One afternoon heading down to look for a place with a good happy hour I all of the sudden had a thought…you know those moments…like a lightbulb going off…only this time it felt like a lightning bolt.

It could also have felt like a lightning bolt because the locals zooming past in their jeeps, well let’s just say if you’re not careful you’re roadkill.

Anyways, like I was saying, I was heading down for happy hour when I had this thought - what if there was an app you could get on and it would show all the fun things people are doing around your current location?  

But then my thought went a step further - what if there was a way that users could only post things that are positive and helpful?

There’s enough negativity online as it is!

Maybe I’m a different breed from others because it drives me bonkers when you’re trying to find somewhere or something and you're searching through reviews that are either totally irrelevant or people just complaining about what they don’t like and it goes on and on for paragraphs.

It. Drives. Me. Bonkers.

Let’s face it - every business has an off day.

We’re all human and make mistakes.

But does a mistake mean someone shouldn’t experience something?

I mean think about it - If John (or Jane or They) Doe are on vacation and discover a great off-the-beaten-path place to get amazing local food but the service is having an off day…does that really take away from the fact that EVERYBODY should try the place because the food is incredible??

I would hope not.

Well after the idea hit me I basically spent the rest of my trip writing down notes or concept ideas and the more I thought about it the more excited I got - simply because this is something that could actually work!

Adam taking a photo next to a donkey on the beach.

Fast forward now over almost 5 years have passed and here we are.

And in those 5 years there has been a lot of stress, tears, frustration, joy and thinking I’m absolutely crazy for trying to make this thing work.

But we’re here now and that makes me Happie!

Enough from me, get out there and start sharing those smiles!

I’m glad you’re joining us on this journey!

Adam L.
Happie Help